


Risk Assessment

No matter what kind of machine you need to guard and regardless of where you are located, a comprehensive risk assessment is vital to your process.  Without a risk assessment, you can not be certain that you have taken into account all the factors that may result in an injury. 


One of the most common questions is "Where does OSHA say I must do a risk assessment?"  Great question and the answer is, "Nowhere."


If that is so, then why bother? Why not just throw on a light curtain and an e-stop and go back to work?


What OSHA does say, in Secton 5 Duties, often referred to as the general guty clause, is, "(a) Each employer --   (1) shall furnish to each of his employees employment and a place of employment which are free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his employees..."


So as an employer you have to be able to recognize hazards in order to protect workers from them, hence the risk assessment.


A machine Guarding assessment looks at each hazard present on a machine and evaluates that hazard to determine how severe an jinjury may be, how often a worker is exposed to that hazard and what the possibility of avoidoing injury from the hazard might be.  While there are many different standards and programs to determine these risks, at Safeday we use the method develped by TUV that has gained wide acceptace within the industry.


We can do an assessment for you or we can teach you how to do it yourself.  For more information on Risk Assessment click here.                                                                            Return to Services